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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country China
Company Name Longi Solar Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Person Jongwon Choi
Department / Title Overseas Sales / Country Manager
Website longi-solar.com/
Company Introduction Longi Solar was established in 2000 as a company with total capacity of monocrystalline silicon wafers. It was ranked No.1 worldwide in 2019 with total shipment of monocrystalline cell and modules of 9.08GW. It is the world's healthiest solar company in financial strength, according to the latest BloombergNEF report.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business Distribution
Interested Industry / Segment Photovoltaic
Number of Employees 1,001 ~
Annual Sales (USD) 1천만달러 이상
Experience in trading with Korea Yes (READ.B_TD_DEPT_ETC)