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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country Spain
Company Name Bioo
Contact Person Martin Kravchenko
Department / Title Administration / Business & Investor Relations Developer
Website www.biootech.com/
Company Introduction Bioo is a biotech startup from Barcelona, Spain, with merging nature and technology in the sectors of renewable energies, smart cities, and agriculture. We have developed an integrally unique way of generating electricity from nature, without damaging any living being in the process. Among our developments is energy generation from plants' photosynthesis. This technology will allow us to replace chemical batteries and solar panels used in sensor powering in agriculture with cheaper (4+ times), more reliable (3+ years of autonomy), and more sustainable biological reactors. Additionally, this technology has numerous applications in smart cities.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business Consulting,Construction,Sales,Marketing
Interested Industry / Segment Bio/Waste,Appliances,Industry
Number of Employees 11 ~ 50
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea No