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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
Company Name Embassy of Cote d'lvoire
Contact Person H.E.Sylvestre Kouassi Bile
Department / Title Embassy / Ambassador
Website www.corredusud.diplomatie.gouv.ci/
Company Introduction Cote d'lvoire is a country located in West Africa with a surface area of 322,462 km2. It is limited to the north by Mali and Burkina Faso, to the west by Liberia and Guinea to the east by Ghana and to the south by the Atlantic Ocean. The political and administrative capital is Yamoussoukro; Abidjan remains the economic capital. With an estimated population of 25 million people, a GDP of $45 billion and a per capita GDP of 2,286 dollars, Cote d'lvoire is the leading economic power in West Africa. Its economy, however, is dominated by agriculture, including the production of coffee and especially cocoa for which it is the world's largest producer.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business -
Interested Industry / Segment Photovoltaic,Solar,Hydrogen Fuel Cell,Wind Power,Geo thermal,Bio/Waste,Appliances,Industry,Buildings,Transport
Number of Employees No Answer
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea No