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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country Union
Company Name EMUS
Contact Person Vaidotas Rutkauskas
Department / Title Sales / Sales Director
Website www.emusbms.com
Company Introduction EMUS main area of activity and expertise is all about adapting lithium chemistry batteries for use and safe operation in wide range of different applications ? we produce intelligent and highly flexible lithium battery management systems that are applicable almost anywhere starting from small, mass produced electric vehicles, scooters, drones, and ending with large projects, such as maritime industry or extremely high capacity backup power supplies or grid stabilization devices.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business Construction,Marketing
Interested Industry / Segment Solar,Wind Power,Geo thermal,Appliances,Industry,Buildings,Transport
Number of Employees 11 ~ 50
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea Yes (READ.B_TD_DEPT_ETC)