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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country Spain
Company Name IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture SAU
Contact Person Luis Rodriguez Llopis
Department / Title / Middle East, Turkey & Africa Area Manager
Website www.idom.com/
Company Introduction Schwing Bioset manufactures piston pumps for transport of ash, slurries, tailings, and other viscous and hard to pump materials. The company also manufactures fluid bed dryers for ash, coal, and other products. It also produces screw & belt conveyors for material conveyance, sliding frame, live bottom storage systems, and screw press dewatering technology.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business NGO,International Organization,Construction,Sales
Interested Industry / Segment Photovoltaic,Solar,Hydrogen Fuel Cell,Wind Power,Geo thermal,Bio/Waste,Appliances,Industry,Buildings,Transport
Number of Employees 1,001 ~
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea No