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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country Angola
Company Name SONANGOL E.P. (Angola National Society of Fuel)
Contact Person Sebastiao Gasper Martins
Department / Title Board of Directors / President
Website www.sonangol.co.ao/English/Pages/Home.aspx
Company Introduction Created in 1976, Sonangol - National Fuel Society of Angola - is the exclusive licensee for exploration of oil and gas in the basement and on the continental shelf of Angola. Its activities span exploration, research, development, marketing, production, storage, transport and refining of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, and can be performed independently or in association with foreign companies.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business -
Interested Industry / Segment Photovoltaic,Solar,Hydrogen Fuel Cell,Wind Power,Geo thermal,Bio/Waste,Appliances,Industry,Buildings,Transport
Number of Employees No Answer
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea No