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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country -
Company Name Viking Wind Aps
Contact Person Pia Jakobsen
Department / Title Sales & Projects / Head of Sales & Projects
Website viking-wind.energy/
Company Introduction Viking Wind is the producer of strong and reliable household wind turbines based on good Danish design principles which ensure both high functionality and grand aesthetics. The technical quality of our turbines is on top ?a life cycle is expected to be at least 25 years and the performance rate is sizeable. The turbines are the most thoroughly tested in their class in Denmark and being a three-blade household turbine, they have the same stately appearance as large turbines. Our turbines are type approved in Denmark, but also meet international standards and requirements.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business -
Interested Industry / Segment Wind Power
Number of Employees No Answer
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea No