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Basic Information

Basic Information
Country Angola
Company Name ANPG (National Agency of Oil, Gas and Biofuels)
Contact Person Paulino Fernando de Carvalho Jeronimo
Department / Title Board of Directors / President
Website www.anpg.co.ao
Company Introduction The National Agency of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels, abbreviated as "Agency" or "ANPG", was created in 2019 through Presidential Decree No. 49/19, of 6 February, as a result of the sector's reorganization program oil in Angola. Among the actions taken for the restructuring of the sector, the transfer of the Concessionary function, previously held by Sonangol EP, to the newly created Agency was approved, in order to ensure greater political coordination, increase the efficiency of the processes and create conditions for private investment activities in the national oil industry;

Additional Information

Additional Information
Type of Business -
Interested Industry / Segment Photovoltaic,Solar,Hydrogen Fuel Cell,Wind Power,Geo thermal,Bio/Waste,Appliances,Industry,Buildings,Transport
Number of Employees No Answer
Annual Sales (USD) No Answer
Experience in trading with Korea No