Business InformationFirmly built on its world-class power plant construction and operation technology, Korea Midland Power (KOMIPO) supplies high quality, stable power through thermal power generation (i.e. coal, liquefied natural gas, heavy oil) as well as wind, photovoltaic, solid refuse fuel, and fuel cell power generation.
In order to deliver cleaner and healthier energy to the public, KOMIPO has replaced the environmental monitoring facilities of its thermal power plants to the world’s top standards and operates safe power plants preventing any concerns about particulates and environmental pollution. It is leading the way for the drive towards energy conversion in Korea through the continued development of a wide variety of renewable energy sources.
KOMIPO strives to ensure a rich and healthy life of the people, building know-how and experience at the forefront of the energy industry, and will continue to remain as a reliable energy company for the development of not only Korea but also the world.