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세종인터내셔널주식회사 Photovoltaic

Company Name 세종인터내셔널주식회사 CEO Kim, Chul-Ho
Business Type Manufacture,Construction Main Business Photovoltaic
Tel. 070-4231-3004 Fax. 0504-072-9673
E-mail chul7674@naver.com Website bipvkorea.com
Address (28116) 충북 청주시 청원구 오창읍 연구단지로 76 본부관415호

Company Information

  • Business Information "“BIPV”, a variety of “solar building materials” that integrates solar cells with building exterior materials, is a “Building-Integrated photovoltaic system” that is used throughout the exterior of buildings such as the exterior walls, windows, roofs, and curtain walls. In particular, BIPV must satisfy electrical and architectural performance in order to be applied to buildings that require aesthetics, diversity, safety, constructability, and efficiency. Through BIPV, a new and renewable energy paradigm, we can produce eco-friendly energy that does not have to worry about fine dust or carbon dioxide emissions, we can save on electricity bills, and also increase the aesthetics of the city. We are taking the lead in developing various materials and designs that harmonize with beautiful architecture, and are moving forward to become a leading company in the BIPV field."
