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Fuel Cell Innovations Co., Ltd Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Company Name Fuel Cell Innovations Co., Ltd CEO Tae-Won Lee
Business Type Manufacture,R&D,Architectural, Engineering Main Business Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Tel. 042-931-0715 Fax. 042-934-0713
E-mail sungsoo.sohn@fcikorea.com Website https://www.fcikorea.com
Address (34025) 312-1, Migun Technoworld I, 199 Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon City, Korea

Company Information

  • Business Information FCI is a global company providing innovative energy solutions for the sustainable low carbon society. FCI was founded as a JV between Korea and Saudi Arabia to promote energy industries for 'Hydrogen Economy' in Korea and ‘Circular Carbon Economy’ in Saudi Arabia. The international cooperation extends not only the availability of investment and the technology, but the accessibility to the global market with diverse applications. FCI is a vehicle of the consortium of the shareholders, such as S-OIL, Samsung, Saudi Aramco and Taqnia Energy(PIF) to supply products on the large captive market in Korea and MENA region. FCI utilizes fuel cell core technologies and advanced system engineering as a technical foundation for commercializing large scale fuel cell and electrolyzer products which are cost-effective in power and hydrogen production. Additionally, FCI is specialized in plant design and construction of the fuel cell-hybrid plants for local market requirements and safety regulations, based on the own patented processes, especially for carbon neutralization and carbon negativity. Continuous effort to develop new processes for various applications in blue and green hydrogen production is being made through the Global R&D Consortium with renowned institutes and universities in Europe, US and MENA countries. FCI manufactures fuel cell core components, stacks and systems and started to ramp-up to the automated mass production in Korea. For this purpose, the ‘Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Industrial Park (HFCIP)’ is specifically designed for the comprehensive activities to cover the whole value chains including mass production, global EPC and O&M service, cost reduction center with global supply chain management and the center for technology transfer for local production in foreign countries.
  • Technology FCI has performed series of R&D projects with Government fund and cumulated more than 43 patents, in-house protocols and knowhows in fuel cell materials, cells, stacks, systems and hybrid processes. In addition, about 10 new patents are being waited for registrations. FCI continuously seeks for technical competence through the open innovation with global R&D consortium with renowned research institutes and universities in Europe, US, MENA and other regions. Current R&D focus for product commercialization with proprietary IP is laid on the scale-up of commercial SOFC and SOE, system optimization for diverse fuels including hydrogen and ammonia, hybridized processes for CO2 capture and blue hydrogen production, AI-based control algorithms and ship application of fuel cell-hybrid systems. Commonality of materials, cells, stacks and equipment for various applications and global supply chain management across the comprehensive value chain are the keys for cost reduction and market competence. Hybrid processes based on own patents are foundation of business growth and sustainability.
