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국가명 부베이 섬
회사명 African Network of Youth Policy Experts AFRINYPE
부서 / 직위 / CHAIR
홈페이지 www.afrinype.org
회사소개 The origin of AFRINYPE as an organization started after the First Global Forum on Youth Policies was convened in Baku in 2014, the prime objective was to renew the call for commitment to youth policies around the world. This was 19 years after the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1995. The global review of youth policies in Baku which gave birth to the Baku Commitment to Youth Policies created a renewed call for actions on youth policies ? the Baku Commitment gave a new beginning for all countries to return to a unified development path as far as youth development is concerned. It expected to see all continents returning to the global stage with records of achievements made afterwards. Africa cannot afford to return to any future global review without improvement on the last score card at the Baku forum of 2014. For Africa, the Baku forum was impactful as it gave birth to the first regional network that focuses on youth policy matters on the continent known as “the African Network of Youth Policy Experts” (AFRINYPE). Thus, AFRINYPE is the regional network that federates expertise on Youth Policies. This organization was established in 2014 and exists as a legal entity (registered under the NGO Law of the Federal Republic of Ghana) with recognition of the African Union, European Union and the United Nations as the foremost regional youth policy organization in Africa. Currently, AfriNYPE has established chapters in forty (40) African countries with average membership population placed at almost Hundred Thousand in forty (40) countries presently.


업무분야 NGO
관심분야 태양열,풍력,바이오/폐기물
직원 수 (명) 11 ~ 50
연간 매출 (US달러) $10,000 ~ $99,999
대한민국에너지대전 참가기업과의 거래경험이 있습니까? 아니오