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국가명 스페인
회사명 Ingeteam Power Technology S.A.
담당자 Alberto Barcia Gonzalez
부서 / 직위 Wind Energy Converters & Controls ? Energy & Grid Division / Commercial Director
홈페이지 www.ingeteam.com
회사소개 Ingeteam is an international technological Group specialized in electric power conversion. Its state of the art developments in power and control electronics (inverters, frequency converters, controllers and protections), rotative electric machines (Indar motors, generators and submersible motor&pumps sets), systems (electromechanical engineering and automation projects), and services (operation & maintenance services), enables it to provide the best solutions in different sectors, namely: wind, solar PV, hydro and fossil fuel power generation; metal and mineral processing; mining; marine; rail traction; waters; e-vehicle charging and power grid automation, always achieving sustainable and efficient energy generation, transmission, distribution and consumption. The company operates throughout the world, and is permanently based in 24 countries, with a headcount of 4,000. R&D is the backbone of its business activity, in which 5% of its turnover is annually invested.


업무분야 컨설팅,제조,금융/투자
관심분야 태양광,연료전지/수소,풍력
직원 수 (명) 1,001 ~
연간 매출 (US달러) 1천만달러 이상
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